FAQ – Ask Away!

Feel free to send your questions to: somuchfattitude@gmail.com


Where do you live?

I’m representing the dirty South in the ATL.

How much weight have you lost?

To date 125lbs Whoa!

Did people notice? 

Yes. Especially because of Facebook- people from HS in particular.

Has your confidence changed? 

Yes, it definitely has. Honestly, I’m sure this is the wrong answer, but I’ve been throughout the spectrum with my confidence. When I was at my heaviest I was my most confident. I knew that body and I don’t know this one. This one is constantly changing and it weirds me out.  My confidence is slowly growing/improving/coming back.

Was shaving your legs/thighs/etc. harder before? Has it gotten easier? 

Honestly? No. I’ve always been stupid flexible. I could hit splits at 325lbs. HA! It’s the same now.

Does your ring size get smaller? 

Yep. My engagement ring and wedding ring are two different sizes and I will get them re-sized when I hit my goal weight.

How different is your life? 

Well, I do things now that I never thought I’d do – like triathlons. Aside from that – not very.

Did your boobs get smaller, and by how much? 

Nope. I was a 40F and now I’m a 36F….

Do you go out to eat? If so, do you eat differently than you would’ve before? 

Yes, though it can occasionally cause me stress. If I know where I’m going ahead of time and have a chance to go through the menu alone I’m fine. I like control and not having it stresses me. And yes, I eat a lot differently. I think about portion size now.

Do you look thinner to yourself? 

Yes and no. I still have a hard time actually seeing and believing it. My husband took pictures of me at various weights in the same outfit (panties and a bra) in the same poses and I can see it there. It’s REALLY weird to see though. Like REALLY weird.  I cried the first time I saw.

Did you notice the progress as it was happening? 

Kinda. Some days I see it and some days I don’t.

Do people act differently towards you? Strangers, friends, family? 

Not really. People just ask questions and it’s weird.

How many pictures did it take to get a “good” picture before? How many does it take now? 

Oh boy – I’ve always been a camera whore and have never been annoyed by my picture being taken…though I didn’t keep many. If anything, now I ask before my pictures are published because I’m more conscious of my weight.

Did you chafe before? Anywhere, and if so, where? Do you chafe now? 

Yes, yes yes – my thighs.  Sometimes. It depends on what I’m wearing.

Are jeans more comfortable? 

Oh god yes. I used to only wear long skirts. I wear jeans EVERY chance I get now.

Could you comfortably sit with one leg crossed over the other? Can you now? 

Nope, I always wanted to, but I never could. And now? YES! And I do. Every chance. haha!

Would jogging around the block have embarrassed you before? 
Does it now? 

Yes, I used to think I could never do it. The first “workout” I did was a spin class at a ladies gym and I HATED it. Everything hurt, I was convinced people were staring at me, etc. Now, I just kind of own it and people are often taken aback by what I’m doing. Example: I ran on a 6.0 yesterday (3/7/13) at the gym and one of the trainers was watching me. LOL. Now my thought is just, “Yep. Ya damn right this big girl is running on a 6. How ya like them apples, son?!”

Do you feel the work it took to get there was worth it?

100% yes. A million times yes. More than anything, I am worth it.

Are you happier now? Were you unhappy before? 

No and no. My happiness is not relevant to a number on a scale. I have issues with this concept. Please read this. 

How long were you overweight before deciding to lose weight? 

I graduated HS in 2002 at 325lbs. In Nov of 2004 I met my husband and weighed 295lbs. In April of 2008 I weighed aprox 285lbs and then in Jan of 2010 I weighed about 270. I got serious last year and was planning on hitting goal in 2013, but life happened and my weight went to the back burner. Now, in July of 2014, I’m getting my life back together and prioritizing my health, not my weight.

What made you decide to lose weight? 

Real talk. I’m head over heels in love with my husband and I want to have a family with him, I want to give him and us as much time as possible. It’d be selfish of me to not give him the best version of me that I can be.

What is your favorite vegetable and how do you like it cooked/prepared? I love vegetables. I can binge on some healthy ass vegetables. An old favorite of mine is sliced zucchini topped with a little butter, Parmesan cheese and S&P baked in a 400 degree over for 20 minutes. I’m also a sucker for anything roasted. Specifically asparagus and/or carrots tossed in EVOO/S&P.

What have you done today that you are proud of? Yeah, we need to change, yeah /The Biggest Loser Intro…but seriously – Today? Uhhh… got up? What I will be doing is getting in one final swim before the tri on Saturday and having dinner with a bunch of other triathletes that are doing the same tri! (Very excited for it!)

Do you prefer to exercise alone or with a partner or group?  Why? This totally depends on my mood. Sometimes I drag my defiant husband out running with me because he pushes me. Sometimes I prefer going alone – especially with cycling I’ve found. Cycling is my “zone” and I find it very cathartic. The less talking I do while riding the happier I am.

What is your favorite concert that you have attended? Kevin and I saw Fun. in February and we were in the VERY front row. I could have reached out and touched him. It was incredible. They hadn’t wont their grammy when tickets went on sale so it was a VERY small venue with a super small crowd.. EEEE!!! We are seeing them again in Oct and cannot wait! 🙂

What kind of profession do you work in? (…or most recently worked in?) I work in pediatric hospital administration – specifically the Pulmonary division and love it.

Do you have any pets?  If so, what are they? We have two asshole, absurdly needy cats that I love to death.

What are you grateful for? In short – my life. I have a wonderful husband, great friends, a very close family, two beautiful nephews and a niece, a great career, my health, etc.

What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?  Would you eat it again? Oh – uhhh.. No clue. I’m a foodie and I’ve eaten a lot of weird stuff. I garner the most looks from Alligator or Kangaroo – and yeah, they were tasty.

Would you prefer hiking or biking?  Why? Biking – no doubt. I kinda sorta consider myself a cyclist now. 🙂

What has been your most difficult habit to give up or change? Hmm – my love for all things delicious. Because I am a foodie I really struggle with the eating aspect. Not even the moderation, but the quality. I like real butter, real cream, real fat, real flavor, etc. I hate the scent and taste of all the fake crap. I’m also a sucker for all things cheese.

How do you meal prep? This is how!

2 thoughts on “FAQ – Ask Away!

  1. Wow! Girl, YOU RULE! You’re a great inspiration to a lot of people out there! I love the way you put it that your happiness doesn’t depend on a number on a scale. There are so many girls who have problems with their body image regardless of their weight, even though they are perfectly fine, it’s sad! Keep it up!


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