SMF Explained

I’m just a fatty girl that also happens to be a little crazy, a foodie, triathlete and runner.

I’ve lost over 100lbs and I’m still going.


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13 thoughts on “SMF Explained

  1. Hello Miss πŸ™‚
    I nominated you for this blogger-to-blogger Liebster Award. It’s a way to tell you I think your blog is VERY cool and I think others should check it out too. You may have heard and/or received said award in the past, which would be well deserved. Plus it’s got a cool β€˜patch’ you can add to your site. So here’s your gold star for you!
    Keep on blogging! You’re great!

  2. I’m in awe and so motivated by your writings. I love how you are open, honest, and true. You are truly an inspiration to those who think that they cannot do it. You are proof that you can!

    Thus, I have waved my magic wand and nominated you for THE INVENTIVE BLOGGER Award. Should you chose to accept it, you can follow the instructions posted on my site here:

    Thank you for your post. I love each and every one of them. Keep ’em coming.

  3. I think you should really consider your use of the word “crazy.” There is enough bad press already about mental illnesses without this kind of propagation, like it’s somehow “cool” if you’re “just a little” crazy. Think about it.

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